by - December 04, 2012

The second last working day of a month is the most awaited day in the office. It’s the day when the emptied personal coffers get a refill. It’s a day when you finally say a “Thank You” for the job. It’s a day you thank your stars for granting you a placement. A day when you give a second thought to all your thoughts of quitting the job, which have accumulated due to the frustrating nature of work and fastidious bosses.

Yes, today is the second last working day of the month and I have received this month’s salary (I am writing this on the salary day.). But then an inevitable question pops up, almost every day, every second—do I love my job? The money seems decent. The office is fabulous. For embellishment (only if you consider it) there are plenty of pretty females. The work environment may vary like the continental climate from bearable to unbearable. Still, there seem quite a few reasons to put up with my current job, right?

What about the mornings, when you just feel absolutely allergic to the thought of going to office. The sneering bosses who hold your fate (especially when it comes to promotions). They make you to work, work, and work till the world ends or may be till the time when the clients who need to be serviced cease to exist. They call you on weekends making promises of comp-off but no pay for overtime. They coax you to cancel your leaves with their made-up soft-spoken demeanor. They can’t beat you so they plead with you just to fulfill an agreement made with a far-away foreign organization.   Now does that salary mean anything to you?

Yes, when my parents need money, I can send them easily without much struggle stories. I can pay my bills without any problem, pay back the loans and also make some savings (yes, I’m not kidding). That’s really cool, and I can also live in fancy apartments with swimming pools, and glamorous hang-out places. Sounds fun, right? And then, another twist of thought talks back to you asking,” Is this what you want to do all your life? Does life mean only this to you?”It shouldn't bother you if you are not one of the “Thinking Types”.

We would have seen the people who are less fortunate than us. And I happily call myself fortunate because that unfortunate or less fortunate could have been me just within a keystroke. When I see them I find myself having more than them (at least financially), and also living a more comfortable lifestyle. That stops me from asking too much from life.  It’s a strange feeling and there is not much I can do to change it. I mean, survival is important not only for the body, but also for the soul.

I know I don’t like my job, and to get a likable job is going against the wind and fighting against the world. It’s taxing on you and highly hinges on the success you can become. If you fail you are the biggest loser in the eyes of this world. With a slight compromise I feel I have found the means to feed my soul.  I’m sure you too will find ways to enrich the soul and not just care about the material gains.

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